Thursday, November 1, 2007

Assignment 7

1) I enjoyed writing the first story most of all. I liked the freedom that allowed me to write about any wacky idea without any restrictions. Even though I did have to tie in the picture, I found that it was relatively easy - all you had to do was make a remote reference to the picture.

2) I liked my first short story the most. This is because I actually had fun whilst I was writing it. I think this was my most imaginative and creative piece, which is surprising because I don't consider myself a very imaginative person. It might not necessarily be that this story is my best piece of I writing I have done in this course, but it is the piece I am most proud and satisfied with.

3) I generally don't like structure very much within my stories. this is because I don't like the feeling of being confined to only a specific model or archetype. I am generally very open minded about different types of writing. However, my free attitude could also be a cause of my lack of organizational skills. I often procrastinate, only doing my assignments the night before they are due. I often find it very difficult to motivate myself to do an assignment early - the best motivation for me to do assignment is often the bad consequence of not completing it.

4) If I were to pursue writing, it would be non-fiction. This is because I like to escape from a sometimes boring, mundane and repetetive life into an unexpected fantasy. I feel that only non-fiction can actually accomplish this feat, since allthe others are still too close to what I'm trying ot escape.

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